I didn't think I would ever find a slug here in arid Benton City, but I found one this morning. It was dead, and lying by the water spigot. I got a couple of sticks and carried the body chop stix style to the chicken yard. I dropped it through fence and PECK~! it was gone.
Ken grabbed it first and ran under the coop prepared for a gourmet feast. But it wasn't 10 seconds later and Chic came running out from under the coop with that slimy slug hanging from her beak. What a hoot! She had Ken hot after her trying to get that slug body back from her! He chased her around the water dish, under the ladder, and back under the coop.
All the while, Chick is trying to lay that bite down just long enough to get a good taste. Ken was not going to let that happen. He was determined to get that plump slug back but, Chick ran around the yard again with Ken nipping at her heels. Under the ladder, around the water bowl, under the coop.
I didn't stay to see who eventually got that tasty morsel, but I know they enjoyed the game of keep away as much as the unexpected meal.
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