Sunday, August 14, 2011

ChicKen Vid

This morning, I'm messing around with the many pictures of Chic N Ken on my computer, and I decide to try and make a video of a few short clips I've recorded while sitting on the back porch watching the birds and soaking in the last rays of the day.

When I was talking to Nana the other evening, she said we should be able to let Chic N Ken roam the yard as long as they don't try to fly the coop and jump the fence. Well they didn't. They ate grass, bugs, avoided piles o'poo, and generally enjoyed their little outing. As the sun began to fade, they headed home.

Here's the product of one morning compiling clips, finding a compatible ditty, and remembering to add all the transitions.

The video quality is poor, but those who love Chic N Ken will enjoy it anyway.

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