This morning I went out to the kids place to mess around with the "new" nest. My efforts included putting two pieces of firewood logs on either side of the nest so Chic wouldn't be able to sit in the void near the roof and floor adjunct as she has become accustomed to doing. I mean if she wants to lay her eggs in that corner, she is going to have to compromise and at least leave them in the "nest". It's a long reach with tongs. This way I can pull the nest forward and back. To continue, with the addition of the logs, came the bonus of a much more stable nest. It no longer moves or rocks from side to side. I also replaced the straw bedding with Aspen Wood shavings. Hopefully
Chic will view this change as a good thing and find her home is getting
more and more comfy.

Ken of course came in looking for the Queen. But boo-hoo for him, it's just little ol' me messing around with his coop. He didn't stick around for a photo session, but I did get this one shot. I really think he misses her. . .
Ken I need to talk to you